Academic Member Announcement

A Thesis Study on Sungurlu`s Life

A Thesis Study on Sungurlu`s Life Life of Mahmut Oltan Sungurlu, a doyen politician of our province, will be subject to a thesis study in our university.

Newroz Festival Celebrated!

Newroz Festival Celebrated! The Newroz Festival organized by Young Entrepreneurs Club of our university was celebrated with great joy.

World Kidney Day Celebrated

World Kidney Day Celebrated World Kidney Day, which is celebrated annually on every second Thursday in March in our country and all over the world, was celebrated with a program held by...

Öğretim Elemanı İlanı

Torul Meslek Yüksekokulu Değerlendirme Sonucu

Öğretim Üyesi İlanı

Dünya Böbrek Günü Kutlandı

Dünya Böbrek Günü Kutlandı Dünya’da ve ülkemizde her yıl mart ayının ikinci perşembesine denk gelen “Dünya Böbrek Günü” Şiran Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulumuz...