Gümüşhane Üniversitesi 31 Mayıs 2008 tarih ve 26892 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanarak yüyürlüğe giren 5765 sayılı Kanunla kurulmuştur. Gümüşhane'de Gümüşhane Üniversitesi adıyla kurulan bu Üniversite Rektörlüğe bağlı olarak yeni kurulan İletşim Fakültesi, daha önce KTÜ'ne bağlı iken adı ve bağlantısı değiştirilerek Rektörlüğe bağlanan Gümüşhane Mühendislik Fakültesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Gümüşhane Sağlık Yüksekokulu (Aşağıda belirtildiği üzere daha sonra fakülteye dönüştürüldü), Gümüşhane Meslek Yüksek Okulu, Şiran Meslek Yüksekokulu, Gümüşhane Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yükseokulu ile Erzincan Üniversitesi Rektörlüğüne bağlı iken adı...
The gourmet Haldun TÜZEL, whose reputation goes beyond the borders of our country, participated as a guest in the last of the talks that deal with different...
In the third of the online events organized serially by the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts of the Faculty of Tourism of our University, where every...
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim ZEYBEK, who went to Samsun for a series of contacts and meetings, paid a congratulatory visit to Ondokuz Mayıs University...
Our University is in the Top 3000 in the URAP Ranking
Our university became one of the top 3 thousand universities in the University Ranking By Academic...
Our Rector Prof. Halil İbrahim ZEYBEK published a message for December 10 World Human Rights Day. Our Rector made the following statements in his message:
Our Rector Prof. Halil İbrahim ZEYBEK included the following feelings and thoughts in his memorial message published on the 82nd anniversary of the decease of...
The documentary "Derik`te Kalanlar", directed by our student Onur Can Atlı, who graduated from the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema (RTS), is at the...
Our Rector Prof. Halil İbrahim ZEYBEK came together with the students on @gumusuniv Instagram account, which is our university's social media account, and...
URAP (University Ranking by Academic Performance), established within the Middle East Technical University Informatics Institute, announced the success...
Courses begin as of October 5, 2020 in our university that has made a decision on distance education because of the ongoing effect of Coronavirus (COVID19)...
Under the chairmanship of Zekai INAN who is Gümüşhane Provincial Director of Family, Labor, and Social Services; the head, Ayşegül Öznur PARLAK, and vice...